by Richard Timothy | Dec 10, 2009 | I Think There's a Point, My List of Things that Don't Suck, Observationally Speaking, Utahism
Damn snow! Yesterday brought our first big snow storm of the year, which resulted in about 12 to 14 inches of crystallized fluff violating everything with miles. For some of you, I’m sure that much snow is the breakfast equivalent of that thin layer of powdered sugar sprinkled over your order of French toast or flap jacks, you know, based on the big picture. But for me, let’s just say that fluffy white stuff just pisses me off.
I’ve always felt it was some sick sadistic cosmic joke that I was born in Wyoming, and have such an utter lack of appreciation for snow. I moved when I got the chance and eventually I got to Utah, and even though they claim, “the greatest snow on earth” it does not mean the most snow on earth. The winters here are a hell of a lot more mild than the ones I had to suffer through in Wyoming. Not to mention, the school system in Wyoming has no concept of “Snow Day.” In 12 years of going to school there, the only time we ever got out of school because of the weather was because it was 45 below and we got to go home half a day early. But the next day it was only 40 below so everyone was required to be back in school.
I’ve had a few of my snow lovin’ freak friends suggest that I try winter activities to help me enjoy the winter more. I usually punch them then they make this suggestion, well at the very least I infer that then they get home I hope their mother crawls out from under their porch and bites them on the leg. Not to mention I have a winter hobby, to stay inside as much as humanly possible.
My problem with winter, and snow, and ice, and all the crap that goes along with it is the cold. If snow wasn’t, well, frozen I think I could actually find myself participating in some of those winter pastimes. Sadly, I have an immense distaste for the cold, actually make that the frozen… whether I mean, cold drinks I’m a big fan of, and were would be if we had not ice cubes for our margaritas on the rocks. I’ll tell you, we’d be drinking something else and there would be a lot more dignity in the world because there would be a lot less stories in the world that begin with, “No margarita for me, I don’t drink tequila any more…” Still, when it comes to a frozen wonderland, seriously Jack Frost, bugger off!
I get that snow is a necessity for this planet. And yes, I will concede that it is pretty, at least it use to be. It use to be that the first snowfall of the year would make me go, “Ohhh, pretty.” Not so much anymore. Not the first snowfall makes me go, “DAMNIT!” and I get all grumpy. Although, I can look at pictures for snow capped mountains or photo’s of winter scenes and agree they are pretty, but I’d never want to go there, at least while the snow was there.
So you can imagine my joy when I open the garage yesterday morning to head to work and saw 14 inches of snow covering my entire driveway. And for the record, this is nothing like putting a bee in ones bonnet, it’s more like putting a popsicles up your… no… sun… place, which I would consider much worse… unless of course you are allergic to bees, in which case, fine you win.
The snow shoveling would not have been that big of a deal if it were not for the fact that we live in a cul-de-sac, meaning the city will not plow there. It only took about 40 minutes to shovel out my driveway, which wasn’t that big of a deal. The problem was the road beyond it. It was just as saturated with snow, except for the area where the cul-de-sac meets the main thru road. The snow plows were kind enough to add an additional 8 to 10 inches of compacted snow right at that T section, helping to block any possible chance my car had of escaping the cul-de-sac so that I could get to work.
Filled with that, “I’ve got to get to work” feeling I started shoveling the road, hoping that in some small way it would make enough difference so that I could get enough of a running start to push though the fortress of snow blocking my waiting commute. After an additional thirty minutes of shoveling, my lower back was screaming a slew of profanities at me, and I conceded to Mother Nature, that relentless bitch, and called the day what it have finally become… a snow day. But not the kind of snow day that suggests that I would actually be engaging in day of snowish activities, no I mean the type of snow day where you do your very best to avoid touching any more snow than you possibly have to.
Once back into the house, called work. I told them I’d be working from home a much as I could and that I would not be able to make it in. I then downed five ibuprofen, ate a piece of toast, when upstairs, got out of my half frozen clothes and took a very hot bath and let my back soak in some liquid sunshine. Once I was warmed up enough, I took a little nap.
Once I got back up, it was time to work… in my pajamas and slippers! I listened to Frank without wearing any headphones and sang along at the top of my lungs. I ate lunch sitting on my couch, watching a collection of RiffTrax shorts. And I didn’t have to drive on frozen roads in traffic to get home when I was done. Yeah it was one of the best work days I’ve ever had. So, still with in some protest let me say, thanks nature. Your relentless, yet necessary, distribution of frozen water made for a pretty damn cool Tuesday, no pun intended.
What are some of your favorite ‘Snow Day’ experiences? If you got caught in this storm, how did your day go?
Image credits:
Google Images, keywords: snow day, shoveling snow, Jack Frost MST, and working-in-pajamas.
by Richard Timothy | Nov 29, 2009 | My List of Things that Don't Suck
Take a collection of fuzzy cloth stitched together in the shape of a head and body then get with a pair of ping pong balls with little black dots drawn in the middle, glue them to the top of the head and walla you have a Muppet, more or less. Oddly enough though, the magic really doesn’t happen until you get someone to stick their hand up the little creatures… um, life hole? Sure, I can live with that.
I’m not sure what it is about Muppets, but ever since I first saw them on the television back in the last 70’s I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for them. In fact the reason I chose to play the saxophone in band was because of Zoot of Dr. Teeth The Electric Mayhem fame. Even as I grew up and the Muppet Show went off the air, Jim kept making movies and bringing these childhood hero’s back to the silver screen to say hi and to let us enjoy their latest shenanigans.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that my appreciation for this band of misfits has only increased, well in most cases. Disney has done some good things with them, well Muppets from Space anyway. Then again they have definitely created their share of Muppet droppings that fans have to paddle through in hopes that there will be at least one Muppet worthy moment that we can take with us.
Sure the Muppets will always have the nostalgia that goes with them, but it is a nostalgia that holds true instead of the “oh-I-remember-this-from-my-youth-and-it-was-the-greatest-thing-since-peanitbutter-but-I-just-watched-it-again-20-years-later-and-I-just-threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-little-and-I-can’t-believe-I-actually-use-to-enjoyed-that” experience that does happens from revisiting some childhood joys. You Barney fans that are now in high school know exactly what I’m talking about here.
But with the Muppets, I mean I can watch episodes of the original show on DVD and I still find them brilliant, funny, and yes, damn it, I still sing along to the songs. I mean how can you not!
I think the longevity for me goes along with the personalities. The Muppets have personalities that remind me of family, friends, loved ones, a bloke I once shared a cubicle with, my first time going to the zoo, my arch-nemesis, even my junior high science teacher. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew will always remind me of Mr. “Papa Smurf” Merritt. Yeah we called our science teacher Papa Smurf. I don’t know why exactly, but the best I can figure is that we were in junior high and, well, yeah I think that sums it up. But for the record, he really didn’t mind us calling him that.
So the other day a friend send me a link to a new Muppet performance. It went viral on its first day with over 1 million hits and it seems to just keep growing. If you have not seen this yet, please enjoy, and if you have… enjoy it again.
If video does not work, click here.
It appears the Muppets have decided to give this internet thing a go, and so far, all I can say is well done and welcome back. You have all been missed.
by Richard Timothy | Oct 14, 2009 | My List of Things that Don't Suck
Here it is! My highly anticipated post about wine parties… ok, so maybe it’s not all that anticipated…then again maybe it is. Maybe, there is one reader out there just waiting to read what I have to share about wine parties to make they can move forward and start hosting their own wine party for their friends… or cats.
I would like to say that if you are thinking of hosting a wine part for all your cats, don’t do it my friend. This is an experience that you do not want to have. And why do I know about this? Well, I don’t want to talk about that, but believe me when I say it does not make for a cute story to tell your friends. Not to mention that if you are hosting a wine party for you and your cats most likely the only one you will be talking to about the wine party is your cats. And in truth, they won’t care. Not because the story isn’t interesting, but because they’re cats.
I’d like to start out by describing the key differences between Wine Tasting Parties and Wine Parties.
The Wine Tasting Party
Everyone brings a bottle of wine that everyone gets to taste.
- Commonly, each wine is covered so that it is a blind tasting.
- Notes are made concerning the four recognized stages of wine tasting, i.e. appearance, aroma, in mouth sensations, and the finish.
- You combine the four stages and discuss the properties of the wine, i.e. the complexity and character, the potential, and the possible faults.
- You learn about the words to use while tasting wine, i.e. bouquet, structure, texture, balance, acidity, oaky.
- Commonly the wine is only tasted and then spit out instead of swallowed, and a palate cleanser is consumed to remove the taste of the wine before you try a different wine. Also, swallowing can equate to intoxication, which can affect your experience and judgment towards the additional wines. If you get drunk while tasting wine your experience is hindered because you don’t get the true taste/experience from the wine as you would if you were sober.
Finally, when tasting wine, it must be in a wine glass and your pinky must be extended out, pointing away from the glass. The only reason for doing this that I can imagine is to A) add a level of pretentiousness that was not initially there, or B) because you have fat fingers and cannot use all your fingers to hold onto the stem of the glass.
Synopsis: Wine tasting parties are designed to educate you about the technical aspects of wine, but ultimately to enable you to determine a textbook response to what is a good wine and what is a bad wine. The conversations at a wine tasting are centered on each wine and the attributes of that wine, and if you consider it a good wine or not. In short you get together to taste wine, makes notes about each wine, and talk about each wine, and at the end of the evening you have a list of wine that would be worth purchasing and consuming at some point.
The Wine Party
- Each attendee (or couple) brings a bottle of wine (or two), commonly based on the “cuteness” or “attractiveness” of the label, but in come cases it is based purely on the type of wine instead of the label, then again there are times that it is based on both the wine type and the label.
- Side Note: Those not of the wine disposition bring the beverage of their choice, i.e. beer, vodka and orange juice, rum and coke, or some different colored liquor and juice variety in an attempt to have an evening of random mixology sampling.
- All the bottles are left on the table, and usually the host will go, “Oh that one looks cute, let’s try this one.” Then grabs a bottle, opens it and pours a sampling in the glass of each individual that is drinking wine that night.
- After the bottle is emptied, a new bottle is opened and finished off. Unless, of course, the wine tastes like ass, then we open a new bottle right away.
- The discussion on the wine consists of predominantly of exclamations of yumminess for the wines that are really good, or the occasional obviousness conversation starter of whether the wine is really dry, really sweet, really oaky, or some combination there in. There is also the random suggestion to let a wine breathe a bit more before we finish it off to help the initial flavor. Otherwise, the conversation is all about the people at the party and not the wine.
Synopsis: Wine parties are about friendships and getting together for no other reason than because you are friends and sometimes with life’s busy schedule you need to plan something so that everyone can get together at the same time to drink wine and talk about life and how things are going. The wine is there, it just isn’t the focus of getting together.
For my friends and I, a monthly wine party is perfect for making sure we all get together at least once a month. We hang out and enjoy each others company. People bring a beverage and a food dish to share, which is a key necessity to the evening otherwise you have a bunch of empty bellies housing copious amounts of wine. Needless to say, without any substance to absorb the alcohol, the possibility of having the evening end short because certain areas of the house need to suddenly be cleaned goes way up. Also, not everyone has to drink alcohol. We have some friends that join us on a fairly regular basis that don’t drink at all. They bring their sodas and drink with us while they share how things are going. The up side to that is that they don’t need to start drinking a lot of water an hour or two before it’s time for them to leave.
Starting out with wine tasting parties was not a bad way for me to begin my introduction to wine. The education was good to have and I did learn some helpful bits when it comes to wine. But ultimately it comes down to preference. I good wine has nothing to do with the complexity and character, the potential, and the possible faults, nor does it matter if it has a full bouquet, elegant structure, strong texture, even balance, low or high acidity, or is very oaky. I good wine is about you and what you personally enjoy in the flavor when you drink it. Sadly, this also means that for some people there is no such thing as a good wine… the poor things.
As my wine group has evolved it has turned into a smaller group of very close and very dear friends. And yes, new blood comes and goes, but the core group is there and is why, after all these years, I still plan and look forward to our wine party every month.
If you have any questions about wine or wine parties, feel free to email me. I’ll help if I can.
by Richard Timothy | Oct 12, 2009 | My List of Things that Don't Suck
I think the thing I enjoy most about this blog is that I wrote it in the tub. Yes, the tub. No, I did not haul a laptop into the tub with me and start blogging. This blog was initially written on a pad of paper while I sat in a tub of lovingly warm to hot water. In fact I better make this abundantly clear right now, NEVER TAKE YOUR LAPTOP INTO THE TUB WITH YOU!
Yes, I was yelling that. It is important enough to yell it at you. Also, if you choose to blog in the tub, just remember that blogging is technically the writing process for something you are going to put on your blog. The blog itself is the end result or location. Now is any of that the official definition for these words? Sure, if you want them to be.
In truth this is not my original post, well, I mean that when I first starting writing I had an entirely different plan on what I was going to write about. I was going to write a wine review actually. Half way though the review I realized that it would make more sense to explain the process and evolution of the wine parties that my friends and I have, which gives me an on going experience for trying and ultimately writing about wine.
And then it happened, in the middle of my explanation of the evolution of the “wine tasting party” to the “wine party” my toes altered my entire train of thought. Yep, I paused in the middle of a sentence and looked at the far end of the tub and there they were, sitting comfortably nestled in a cloud of bubbly goodness. Baths are groovy, no doubt about that, but bubble baths…well, that’s the aquatic equivalent of adding ice cream to your root beer. It just raises the whole experience to a new level.
There is something definingly smileful about baths. You can’t help but smile when you climb in a bath. Well, once you get settled in the tub anyway. There is always the uncontrollable making faces period when you first climb in a tub and are getting use to the temperature of the water. You know, that Oh… ooo, what tha… eh… soo… owww… umm…ahhhhh. But eventually you get there and as you radiate in relaxation and warmth you begin doing the human purr. You know when cats get happy and start purring, yeah we’re the same but instead of purring we make a very soft sounding mmmmmmm noise. It just happens, we don’t mean to, but sure enough once we as a species hit that radiating relaxation and warmth we instinctively purr…or mmmm.
Granted the mmmm reaction to the waters temperature is a direct result of its opposition to the temperature outside. If it’s a bloody hot day, a cool bath is lovely, and if is a frozen winter afternoon, a hot bath is…well, it’s down right smurfy.
See, just reading this has you postulating on the possibility of you enjoying a bath some time in the near future. We both know the idea of being wrapped in warm water and bubbles has already put a smile on your face. My recommendation, do it tonight. You probably won’t even care that it’s a Monday.
Oh, and come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you about that wine party thing.
by Richard Timothy | Oct 8, 2009 | MST3K, My List of Things that Don't Suck
For my first installment of my list of things that don’t suck, I give you one of the funniest movies you’ve never seen…The Final Sacrifice.
I do need to specify though that the only way this movie actually meets criteria of a comedy is if you watch the MST3K (aka Mystery Science Theater 3000) version. Otherwise…actually skip the otherwise, and believe me when I tell you that you should never, ever watch this film without the help of MST3K…EVER!
Note: To those of you who have seen this film, please go out today and share it with a friend.
For those that don’t know about MST3K it was a television show about a man who was stuck in space on a satellite with some robot sidekicks. The man and two of his robots were forced to watch bad movies while an evil scientist and his henchman(men) would observe them, and that was essentially the show. I would spend two hours watching a silhouette of a man and two robots in a movie theater watching and making fun of really bad movies and for me The Final Sacrifice was one of the most brilliant episodes they ever made.

The Final Sacrifice is Canadian, which definitely sets a mood for the entire film. Now what that mood exactly is, I’m still not sure. I have yet to figure it out, but I do keep trying. To date I’ve probably watched the film around thirty to forty times and as far as I can figure, the mood of the film is kind of a cross between Shatner performing Rocket Man and a hockey hair Barbara Mandrell giving Bigfoot a pedicure.
The first hurdle of the film is trying to distinguish who the hero actually is. For the first thirty or so minutes you are pretty sure that the hero is an egg noodle of a boy named Troy. The problem with this is, case and point…
This is Troy.
Now even though Troy does pull off some pretty amazing feats, such as outrunning a Ford Torino full of evil cult members while on a 10 speed. You will spend the first portion of the film wanting, actually pleading to the film to give you a different hero. The film actually does its best to comply, but once again the film was made in Canada, so it’s really not an up trade, and that is how we end up with is Rowsdower…Zap Rowsdower.
One amazing feat accomplished in the MST version is that we do get to hear the name Rowsdower, or close variations of it, said approximately 54 times. Even more impressive is that you find yourself giggling every time you hear it.
Then we have our villain, who is lovingly referred by the MST crew as “Canadian Villain Garth Vader” but is called Satoris. Is he a super villain? Hmmm, I’ll put it to you this way, he does get a hair cut between his first scene in the movie and his remaining scenes, and he does have some first rate nostril flaring scenes that would rival even the great Judd Nelson. So, I guess, yeah he’s sort of a super villain. Well he’s a Canadian super villain at any rate.
Its well worth the watching, and best of all it’s free.
Thank you Google videos, thank you.
Let me know what you thought of the film. Seriously though, it’s brilliant. Oh, and your welcome for telling you about this.