by Richard Timothy | Feb 4, 2010 | I Think There's a Point, Lightbulbs and Soapboxes, Non-Fiction, Observationally Speaking, Reviewed and Recommended
I was initially going to write a bit of a fluff piece today… or at the very least a short, sweet, and to the point piece so I could direct most of my writing time working on editing Chapter 9 of my book. Then, as I imagine everyone does on a rather regular basis, I found myself a little side tracked looking up random things on that series of tubes that the young kids call the Interweb thing. I ended up stopping by to visit the blog of a fellow writer whom I’ve yet to really meet other than a friendly Facebookian hello. Anyway, Kyria Abrahams has a new weekly column on The Faster Times where she reviews gadgets and so forth. You can check out her column here.
As you can read a delightful piece of bemused and amusing observation. Other than wanting to share a fun read, the reason I bring all this up is that her column got me thinking about a few things of the tech variety. It’s not that I’m against technology, I do dig it. It’s mostly, I guess, that I am a bleacher type of fan. I’m not in the middle of it by any means, but I’m close enough to eventually hear about now things and can raise my big spongy #1 finger and yell out, “Yea technology!”
I mean I have a cell phone, but at the same time I’ve made sure to block any and all texting capability from it. I see the pictures of all the new toy and have wonderful friends who stood in line for four hours on opening day for the iPhone release just so they could get one… and then do that gushing Apple euphoria thing that Apple fans do whenever they get a new toy that sports an incandescent image of an apple with a bite taken out of it. I’ve even held an iPhone more than once over the last year, and you know what… they’re cute. Not as cute as a puppy mind you, but cute in the “Ahhh, the little Autobot decided to take a nap.” kind of way.
At the same time I still occasionally listen to my cassettes, and I still take pride in my collection of 27 Elvis cassettes I scored for .25 cents each at a garage sale back in 1994. Oddly though, I might be the only one that takes pleasure in this. I mean if you listen to your 8-tracks you’re considered “old school.” If you still listen to vinyl you’re admired as “retro” or “vintage.” But telling someone you still listen to cassettes, I swear, they look at you like you’re some sort of degenerate that just climbed out of a cave while picking your nose and wiping the leftovers on the front of your shirt. Someday the masses will consider cassette tapes to be more than just burning blocks used to assist in the demise of the ozone layer, but until then I think I’ll keep that little nugget of appreciation to myself… I mean… damn!
The key realization I had while reading Kyria’s article was, and I’m not saying Apple is the only one responsible for this, but it seems that the time of having four remote controls to run all the crap in your entertainment center has sort of evolved and decided you head out of the front door with you every time you leave the house. Instead of four remotes people now have four random devices with them at almost all times. Here’s what I mean:
- A person with their iPhone using a Bluetooth headset so they can take calls and e-mail at the same time. Not to mention the GPS running in the background to help them find the nearest Starbucks. Which we all know is right in front of them on the street corner. All they need to do it look up from their phones screen to see it.
- Then they have their Kindle (but are now secretly obsessing about and pining for the iPad) for reading the Wall Street Journal, or the complete works of Douglas Adams, to which I’d like to point out should really only be read in electronic format on Apple products out of homage the man.
- There is their iPod, attached to the one ear that is not sporting the Bluetooth headset, so they can listen to some newly purchased artist that has yet to be discovered and it absolutely brilliant… while still talking on the phone.
- And finally, there is their MacBook Air, for writing that screenplay they keep talking about while sitting in the coffee shop, talking on the iPhone about the new iPad while listening to their iPod.
Hey Steve… quit it already! Just do us all a favor and just make the equivalent of an Apple iconed universal remote. Some type of universal Apple electronic device thingy so people can avoid having to purchase the new iCrap satchel for all their i… well, crap. Or at the very least give us some iBuprofen to help us deal with the endless “i” onslaught. Or coupons… we’d all dig some discount coupons!
What do all you Appleachians… Appleites… Apple folk think? Oh, and sorry about all the iPuns. Sometimes it’s a little hard to quit once you get going.
Image Sources:
Google Images, key words: Apple, foamy finger, and cassettes.
by Richard Timothy | Dec 8, 2009 | I Think There's a Point, Lightbulbs and Soapboxes, Observationally Speaking, Utahism
In reading some of my replies, I suppose I should clarify, yes I understand there are always exceptions. What I’m saying is that if the exception becomes the rule then you’re a bad parent. But know I still love you, and people can change.
As promised, in follow-up with yesterdays post, here is a collection of some of my own personally witnessed crap-parenting situations. The first experience that always comes to mind happened a few years ago. I was personally attached to this situation and yeah, let’s just say that looking back, I could have handled the situation a little differently, but that’s hindsight for you, it’s only helpful after the fact, which makes it not very helpful at all.
So my wife and I went to dinner with some old friends. It had been a long time since we had seen them, and I was looking forward to a catching up with them and seeing how life had been treating them. We decided to meet downtown at a local micro brewery/restaurant for dinner. We both arrived around 7 and met up at the front door.
I wasn’t expecting them to bring their four kids, but when I saw them standing next to their parents I actually thought for a second that maybe things will be ok. That thought lasted about 10 more seconds, and then the mom said, “These guys usually eat around 5 and are getting ready for bed by now, and the baby is teething.” My stomach sank and I started clinching my mouth shut, and that’s how I stayed most of the night.
Seriously, who the hell does that? I wanted to give both parents a “stupid slap”. You know the slap. It’s the one you instinctually have to stop yourself from giving someone when they say or so around you that is completely devoid of any rational thought. I imagine this is exactly how McCain felt during his campaign every time Palin began talking to anyone unscripted.
Once seated at our table the mother began verbally expressing that it would be nice if the restaurant had crayons or a kids menu to color or something for her kids to do to keep busy until the food is served. They have brought no snacks for the kids, or anything for them to play with while they waited, and then had the audacity to express that it should be the restaurants responsibility to entertain her children. Talk about deferring you basic parenting responsibilities over to the damn food industry. Personally, I blame Chuck E. Cheese.
My wife was kind enough to get the kids some saltines from a waitress for the kids to eat while we waited for your food. She also got out some pens and paper out of her purse so the kids had something to do. The baby was being held while we waited for food, but once the food arrived, it was placed in a high chair and ignored as we started eating. The baby started to cry at this point.
Everyone around us was starring at our table due to the growing volume of the baby’s cries. The mother just keep talking louder and louder to talk over the crying child. I had had enough. It was re-goddamn-diculous at how consistently awful their parenting had been the entire evening, something needed to be said. So, I opened my mouth and out came, “Can you do something about that?” and pointed at the baby. Everyone at our table stopped talking and just starred at me with half open mouths of half chewed food. I continued, “I mean, can’t you hear that? Why don’t you try holding it or something?”
My wife choked a little on her food, and started squeezing my leg with what I personally thought was excessive force. The mom elbowed her husband who stood up, grabbed the kid and disappeared for the rest of the meal. Was it a bit of an asshole move? Perhaps, but I felt a lot better. Not to mention, it was much quieter, and I think everyone else in the restaurant was grateful as well.
My wife and I now laugh about it, but we never bring it up when we get together with those friends. Was that situation an exception to the rule? I have no idea, but the few times they have brought their kids over to our house… let’s just say not a lot has changed, but I have gotten a little more tactful in how I present things to them.
As for other situations I’ve witnessed, let’s make a list:
If you show up to an R rated movie at 9 PM or later… actually make that any movie, I don’t care if it’s rated G! If you show up to a movie theatre with an infant at a late showing of a film, not only are you a horrible parent, but you’re also an asshole. (Ok so maybe this is one of my bigger pet peeves.)
- If you are of the church going disposition and on some holiday weekend, like Easter for example, you decide to jack your kids up on two pounds of chocolate before church and then get angry when they misbehave. It’s your damn fault! And if you ignore them and let them run all over your place of worship during whatever your preacher person is attempting to convey, you are a crappy parent.
- If you go to a funeral, wedding, or any type of ceremony involving reverence and quiet, and you think for a second that your high strung kid(s) will behave and sit quietly anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour without making a sound, so you decide to bring them along expecting things to be just fine, you are a daft parent.
- And if, after you bring your kid(s) to one of these ceremonies and you realize that the kid is not going to sit still and you just let the little monster run around without any supervision, and ignore that they are disrupting the ceremony, you are not only a worthless parent, but you should have your baby producing organs surgically impeded so that the world never has to suffer from another one of your accidental pregnancies.
- And finally, if you take your kid(s) to a restaurant, for the love of The Flying Spaghetti Monster (feel free to replace that with your deity of choice), do not let them wander around alone, walking up to random tables, and staring at strangers. It makes everyone at those tables very uncomfortable and they will hate you and your child. Please, let’s stop all the negative waves! Keep your kid where it belongs, in your supervision at your table!
Damn! I sure get pissy when I talk about this stuff… still, I’ve said it. I feel better. Thanks.
What about you? What lands on your list of bad parenting? Leave a comment and let me know.
by Richard Timothy | Dec 7, 2009 | I Think There's a Point, Lightbulbs and Soapboxes, Observationally Speaking, Utahism
It’s Saturday, well it was when I started writing this. It’s supposed to be my relaxed and groovy day. You know, it’s the type of day that doesn’t require you to put on any pants until at least noon. So, I rolled out of bed around 9:30 with exceptional bed head I might add. And I don’t mean the “I’m ready to go clubbing” bed head, oh no, I’m talking about the traditional “Einstein’s my bitch” style of bed head. If fact, my hair was so unmatched that I was contemplating doing a round of two of physics this morning, simply because it just felt right.
Turns out it was the hair talking, because I don’t do physics, ever… well almost ever. The only exception is when my friend Clayton is over, and happens to be mildly to highly intoxicated. I met him years ago while he was working on his PHD in physics and let’s just say that once that boy gets lit, drinking and deriving is one of his highly endearing qualities.
I keep telling him he should go back to teaching and hold his classes in a local pub, speakeasy, bar, or any place close to campus that serves alcohol, except maybe frat houses. I think he would have the best attended class on campus. Hell, I’d even consider going back to school just to take his class. Although I’m not really sure how well anyone would do during finals. Still, I can’t imagine anyone would complain about having to take the class again.
So, anyway, back to my Saturday morning. I had just finished cooking up an omelet and was heading downstairs to enjoy a little MST’d Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, because it is that time of year. As I was humming the “Let’s have a Patrick Swayze Christmas” song to myself, and my cutie-baby-sweetie-pie’s phone rings. After the call she tells me that some people are coming over to get a little marketing assistance from her and there is a good change that they are going to bring their kids. Oh and they were going to be there in about twenty minutes.
The first thing I though was “sonofabitch” because this meant I was going to have to put on some pants. My second thought was. “Oh god, kids!” Look its not that I hate kids, some are very tasty with a side of hollandaise sauce. Its just that I, well, based on my experience, there are a lot more horrible children being produced than good children and based on the law of averages, our house was going to be invaded by the result of someone’s demonic seed.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of the equation, horrible children = horrible parents, but I think it is important to point out that being a horrible parent does not mean you are a horrible person. You just really should have used protection, got fixed, or put the little creatures up for adoption.
Also, I’m not referring to all parents here. My parents, for two, kicked ass. I have friends who have done a remarkable job raising their kids. They are well behaved, polite, know how to actually say please and thank you without being told to do so, and in my opinion deserve everything they asked Santa to give them this holiday.
What I am referring to are the parents that have predominantly checked out when it comes to their children, or the ones that adhere to the “reprimand with love” form of child rearing. They are easy to spot too, go to any Wal-Mart and you’ll see them everywhere. I’m not sure why but Wal-Mart wildlife reserve for awful children and their parents. The child (or children) is easy to spot, it’s crying loudly while their parent(s) just walks along completely detached and ignoring the fountain of tears, snot, screams, and spit.
Now sure, some people might say that because I don’t have any children, I have no right telling others how to raise theirs. My response to this is a resounding, “RUBBISH!” Hell, states have entire taskforces designed to tell parents how to raise their kids. Based on that fact alone I feel more than qualified giving my opinions on the topic. Not to mention, having been a child at some point in my life, I feel perfectly justified talking about the raising of them.
First and foremost, stop rewarding your kids for bad behavior. I see it all time. Some whiney little kid asks for a new toy. They are told no, so they start crying, and crying, and screaming and the parent either gets embarrassed, or simply gives up and rewards the tantrum with exactly what the child wanted. Well done. You just confirmed to your child that bad behavior is the best way for them to get what they want. Congratulations, you are well on your way to raising a little bastard.
Also, if your kid is misbehaving, slap it on the butt. It lets the kid know that their behavior is unacceptable. Think about it, if you cater to the “reprimand with love” mentality you are training your child to act horribly when they want you to hug and kiss them and show them positive affection. This is a horrible parenting philosophy.
I’m not saying you should beat your child. There is a huge difference between a smack on the butt and punching a kid in the face for behaving badly. That is the type of behavior that gets that taskforce called on you that I mentioned earlier, and deservedly so.
The concept is easy… reinforce positive behavior with positive interaction, and negative behavior with negative interaction. Here, I’ll even give you the formula:
- Good behavior + hug and kisses from you = a well behaved kid
- Bad behavior + you spanking the kid = a well behaved kid… eventually
It is that simple? I think so… mostly anyway. Dr. Spock might disagree, but what does he know. Being one that has never read his book, I’m pretty sure he made most of it up.
I was going to go through a number of examples of crappy parenting I’ve personally witnessed, but this post is already at risk of turning epic, so I’ll throw those examples in tomorrows post and call it part two.
So until then, to all you good parents, thank you. I really do notice and truly appreciate it. And to all you crap parents, knock it off! You know who you are.
by Richard Timothy | Dec 2, 2009 | Lightbulbs and Soapboxes, Public Service Announcement
Pardon me while I climb on top of my soap box for today’s post. This time I’m here to talk about fashion!
Fashion… its, umm… its… ok seriously, what the hell is she wearing? If there ever was an image that encompassed the acronym “WTF” that picture would be in the top 5. Anyway, when I think of fashion I think of it as an industry synonymous with deceit, lying, and oxen defecation. I mean let’s face it the fashion industry has done more to promote anorexia and bulimia than any other industry out there. Have we learned nothing from Karen?
I do believe that fashion is predominantly nothing more that visual vomit splashed on a piece of cloth and made into an article of clothing that the creator expects people to pay a price that even a used car salesman, charging 15% over blue book, would consider a bit steep. Yeah, it might be a touch harsh, but in my defense I did grow up in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, so I do feel quite justified bad mouthing the fashion industry.
It’s not that I don’t understand fashion, I do get it. In fact I am a big fan of such classics as Levi’s, Doc Martens and cotton tee’s. But that’s just it, for every truly brilliant creation the fashion industry has given the world, there are some 17 million “good ideas at the time” that cause humanity to hang their heads in shame. Then to add insult to injury every 10 years or so the fashion industry, being devoid of the ability to actually create something new, attempts to rehash a bunch of old failed ideas in hopes that the new and upcoming younger generation will not know any better and think they are being “retro” and cool. Poor buggers never had a chance.
Granted there are some styles that were so bad that I’m not sure they can ever be brought back as a tangible “retro” or “back in” fashion. Case and point… parachute pants. They will forever stay in obscurity as the truly bad idea they were and still are. Anyone that actually wore them and thought they were cool will make sure of that. So kids, trust me when I tell you, never, ever, ever, EVER purchase, borrow, try on, or even go into a store that is selling parachute pants. Stay away from them at all costs.
Oddly, there are pack rats out there, which for some odd reason held on to a pair of these pants. Occasionally they will pull them out of storage for either Halloween or the random, yet always plucky, 80’s themed party, which I’m always game for. Say what you will, but going to an 80’s themed parties is a great way to take part in some cheep, yet useful, group therapy.
You bring some alcohol to share with friends and everyone dresses up in an outfit that they loved back in the day. Everyone laughs at each other, and then everyone cries, letting go of the built up shame they’d been storing inside for all those years. It’s a great time and a hell of a lot entertaining than actually going to therapy… besides when was the last time you got to enjoy a pint of jungle juice while sitting in your therapist’s office? For me it was… well, I don’t want to talk about it, but let’s just say I was young and in love, and didn’t know any better.
So back to this fashion thing, my wife showed me a video on YouTube the other day that I though was rather brilliant. Dove put it out a few years ago, but it was the first time I’d seen it. I think it’s worth sharing:
If you cannot see video, click here.
To you skeptics, yes, I get that the industry standard is to adjust photo’s so they pass a professionalism standard. Likewise, I accept that Dove caters to that standard and Photoshop’s their ads as well, but some how I doubt it’s on the same level as the video portrays. The thing I appreciate is that they are actually trying to do something to bring beauty back to people and help others build self esteem, instead of stripping it away like I think the fashion industry has consistently done over the past decades.
The fashion industry has made a habit out of defining to us what beauty is, and sometimes we fall into the worse habit of actually believing them. They tell us we are not beautiful unless, of course, we purchase their product or their clothing. But it seems that this is starting to change a little, at least I hope it is. It would seem one company is trying, and I’m sure there are more out there doing the same. So to them, I say thanks, and to you, well I guess my point today is this: Beauty is not about what we wear, but about who we are, which means yes, damn it, you are beautiful.
by Richard Timothy | Nov 5, 2009 | Lightbulbs and Soapboxes, Utahism
What makes profanity, profanity? According to profanity is 1) the quality of being profane; irreverence. 2) profane conduct or language; a profane act or utterance. 3) obscenity.
One of the things I appreciate about profanity is how it changes from culture to culture. In some countries there are certain words that are considered highly profane, but in different parts of the world the words are considered funny sounding and that’s about it, and if you don’t know what I mean, well, bugger it!
Personally, I’m a big fan of profanity. It’s very versatile and descriptive, and it can be very effective in creating elements of shock, surprise, anger, joy and humor. It is brilliantly emotionally driven and they can be used to cover the entire array of emotions. Besides, there are certain combinations that are perfect for stress release or for inducing laughter.
It seems to me that there are two key American institutions that seem to have a certain abrasion to the used of profanity in their specific environments, those environments being the religious world and the business world. Case and point, the video below is a prime example of what is not acceptable in the business world.
(If the video does not play click here.)
Say what you will, but that video makes me laugh every time. The dearly missed George Carlin did a piece related to the profanity subject. He called it, “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television“, which, if you ask most people in the religious and business world would consider these to be profane words as well.
All that being said, having lived in Utah for 10+ years now, I’ve been introduced and conditioned to the phenomenon that I like to call profanity-lite (aka guilt free profanity). It’s the practice of redefining certain words so that they evolve into the sound, emphasis, use, versatility, and replacement of what is traditional profanity. Here is what I mean:
- F, freak, fetch, frack (thanks to Battlestar Galactica), etc. is used to replace the f word.
- F’in A is commonly used to describe someone that is not appreciated in any way.
- Shoot, occasionally crap, is used as an emotional emphasis word, say when you knock over a drink, or hit your thumb with a hammer.
- Crap is used for the insult aspect, such as crap head.
- Oh my gosh is used for the traditionally confused replacement for taking the “lords” name in vain (which really isn’t).
- Dang it is used to replace exclamations of damnation.
- Butt hole (yes I have heard adults use this in an attempt to insult another adult), which is obvious.
There has been the recent additions of texting profanity, which is the newest use for guilt free profanity in verbal conversation. The common uses I’ve heard are OMG, LMAO, PITA, and WTF.
Now I have, on occasion, used these guilt free profanities in situations that would probably result in getting slapped, or having a band of mothers with small children start crying because I was, “polluting their young angel’s virgin minds and ears.” When we all know the little whipper snappers have already learned those words from their old man, or maybe a grandparent that accidentally dropped a dish, or the very least the other kids at school, or cable, or… hell they can pick it up everywhere. Case and point…
(If the video does not play click here.)
What makes me happy about all this is that you have a culture of people who are openly opposed to profanity, but at the same time have invested the time and energy to invent profanity-lite. Yep, all the exact same meaning, uses and emphasis of traditional profanity, but without all the guilt. It’s sneaky, clever, and still profanity.
Try to call it whatever you want, or justify it however you see fit, but its use is the very definition of profanity. The word might be masked, but the meaning is the same. Is it hypocrisy? Some say no, some say yes. I choose to call it evolution. Language evolves everyday, and who knows, maybe someday in a not so distant future calling someone a “wiseass” will be the equivalent of saying they are knowledgeable when it comes to the democratic process, and calling someone “snoogums” will be the equivalent of suggesting that the person violates small woodland creatures using pudding pops, Crisco, and bubble gum.
Have a great freaking day!
by Richard Timothy | Oct 25, 2009 | Lightbulbs and Soapboxes
Let’s talk about fans and that extreme fans can come across as rather odd ducks based on the genre of you fanitude… fanisim… fan something. The genre you choose to be a fan of (there, I got it). So today I’ve decided to go for the obvious comparison namely when it comes to being an extreme fan.
In short, this guy

is the same as this guy

and these guys

are the same as these guys

And then you have this guy
who is either confused or just an new hybrid that decided to combine the two (I’m still trying to figure it out).
I like to call these the dress up fans, and the way I see it there is no difference between a sports fan that dresses up for a game, a Harry Potter fan dressing up to go to opening night of a new Potter film, Star Trek fans dressing up for conventions, or a drag queen to dressing up like, well a drag queen, to go to a pride parade. You are all the same… well in regards to playing dress up anyway. Call it what you will, but the facts are this, you are playing dress up. Its ok though, just look at parades all over the world with all these people in “authentic traditional dress,” know what that means, they are wearing a costume, which means they are playing dress up.
I’m also going to point out that if you are a Cowboys fan wearing a Cowboys jersey and you see someone wearing a Captain Kirk tee shirt and choose to call him a dork, well you sir are not only a hypocrite but just as big of a “dork,” actually you’re a bigger dork because you can’t even see that you are dressed the same as them. This does work both ways you know. To all you people that choose to spend Friday night playing Halo 3 with your friends and saying that everyone going to the “big game” that night is lame… you sirs are hypocrites and even lamer than the sports fans because you are making fun of people that are just like you.
Look, I know all about being dorky. I use to go to elementary school wearing parachute pants caring a supersized piece of rolled up cardboard, just so I could practice break dancing during recess. Do I still do that? No, partially because I’m no longer 11 and couldn’t even begin to care about break dancing, and mainly because I discovered slow dancing with girls was a lot more fun and rewarding, and it doesn’t screw up your knees.
I’m a big fan of people being different, having different passions, speaking different languages, experiencing different cultures, eating different foods, and looking at someone with bright purple hair and telling them how nice it looks, because it really does. One of the things I enjoy most about the world is that being different is one of the main things that makes us all the same. My only grumble is when people have to hurt others because of the refusal to see past their differences to see how alike they are. Case and point, when people who share a same common interest and passion, say playing dress up, feel a need to berate and even physically hurt people because even though the act (playing dress up) is the same, the genre is different.
Now please excuse me while I go put on my Spiderman pajamas and play Madden NFL 10 on my Xbox, while I listen to the Dodgers and Phillies game, and I wait for my friends to get here so we can play D&D until 2AM.