I’ve yet to give Twitter a try. Wow, try saying that three times fast… Twitter a try. Tritter a try. Tridder, trida, twit… yeah, no good. Still, I’ve yet to give it a go, but I’m sure I shall sooner or later. I guess you could say I’m working my way up to it. One thing that’s helped motivate me towards this is the site Ruminations.com. It’s kind of like Twitter, but funny and there is a task force dedicated to eradicating redundant crap, exhausted jokes, failed funnies, and pointless posts.

My little sister recommended the site to me a while ago, but it tool me a bit to warm up to it. Now, every couple of days I’ll check back and see what thoughts of randomness people have had and been compelled to share with others. The premise of a rumination equates to this, you know when you’re… well you can be anywhere really and all of a sudden some random observation pops into your head and either makes you start smiling, or in more extreme cases, makes you start giggling like a wee school girl. Well this is where people go to share those thoughts.

If you want to post something you’ll need to create your own profile. This also identifies you when you post something. All posts have a 250 character limit, which is great for people who either hate reading or have really short attention spans… or both. There is voting, so if you like something you can give it a “gourmet point.” You can also become fans of other people, and you can add your own comments to other people’s ruminations.

My favorite statistic I read on this site is this, “All submissions are screened before being approved and approximately 39% are rejected.” 39%, that’s just brilliant! This means that I’ll never have to read messages from people that they are eating leftovers, sitting on their porch, or going to go use the toilet, as well as all the other endless supply of posted Tweets that are responsible for the overused texting anagram TMI.

So after weeks of reading and checking out the site, today I finally took the plunge, I posted my first rumination. I’m not sure if it’s been accepted or rejected yet, it’s still in review, but it doesn’t matter because I did it! Here’s what I submitted:

  • I’m amazed at how many people constantly fail to recognize that when a person begins backing away from them in the middle of a conversation it’s a sign that it’s time for them to stop talking.

Ok yes, I’m sure at some point that thought will be a Smirk all its own, because yes there is a story there, more than one in fact.

I mean sure it’s a hit and miss kind of site, but things like this always are. Look at those calendars that are suppose to have a joke of the day or thought of the day. Some days are brilliant and other days… let’s just say at least you have a useful little piece of scratch paper. The main difference here is that there are thousands of people submitting their daily thoughts, well, daily. The chance you’ll find something that’s going to make you smile is exponential.

Overall, I’ve been enjoying it, and for those of you contemplating the jump into a world of twits, I mean tweets, I might be a good starting point. I recommend checking it out.

Have you seen this site out before? What did you think?

Image Source:
Google Images, key words: no twitter, too much information, and please stop talking.