In the midst of today’s postful creation I got an e-mail from my cutie-baby-sweetie-pie-wifey-pooh. One of the local papers did a little article and video on her, where she talks a little about what she’s been through, what she is doing, and, more than anything, about how she refuses to back down from her dreams and from her vision of helping others find their light.

So, I suppose the best way to put it, is it’s an honor for me to share this article and video with you. Call it a mini-Smirk if you want. Part of my goal is to bring a smile to your faces, but this post is about the smile Angela brings to my face and my life. Sure it’s a bit self indulgent, but that’s one of the many groovy things about being human, the awareness that you are being self indulgent and the consciousness that it’s ok to do so.

I’ll get today’s post out later today, but for know check out this article and the video. Yes, both links take you to the same page, I call it necessary redundancy.

Ok, now everyone look away, this is just between Angela and I… anyone peeking? Good, cause you better not or else… or else, something and um, yeah! You know for having a way with words there are definitely times I don’t do so goodly with them. Ok, so no peeking now I mean it!

Angela, I love you and I am so proud of you and what you are doing. You are my butterfly.

Ok you can all come back and finish reading now… ok so I’m done. Thanks everyone! I’ll have something else for you all later.

What did you think of the article about Angela?