Thought of the Day, May 17

Why is it that during an ice-breaker, when the whole room has to go around and say their name and where they are from, I start getting nervous? I know my name, I know where I’m from . . . this shouldn’t be a problem.

This or a similar version was originally found on

Thought of the Day, May 14

I’ve heard a number of people say that they won’t buy a car with power windows because if they crash into a lake, they’ll be trapped. My question is, how bad a driver are you that crashing into a lake is a legitimate fear?

This or a similar version was originally found on

Thought of the Day, May 11

Not too long ago I was standing in line at the supermarket in a suit and tie, wondering that maybe I was finally all grown up, and that my childhood was over. As I looked down and saw the cartoon characters on my tie and remembered that I had only gone in to get a bag of gummy bears. I figured I was probably ok.

This or a similar version was originally found on