Smirk of the Day, Jul. 21

“Evolution is a fickle mistress. On the one hand, we can’t really complain since humans ended up with opposable thumbs and huge brains. On the other hand, we can’t fly and our heads hurt if we eat ice cream too fast.”

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.

Smirk of the Day, Jul. 18

I recently watched a video of my little niece chasing a laser pointer around the room and thought, “It’s amazing how easily little kids are entertained.” Then I realized I had just watched that video four times in row.

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.

Smirk of the Day, Jul. 14

“We’ve all heard the claim that smell is what amplifies taste, and while that may be so, trust me when I tell you that spraying air freshener on your food to help the taste does NOT work at all.”

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.