Smirk of the Day, Jun. 25

“When I was a kid, whenever I got to eat fast food it was a true victory. As an adult though, anytime I eat fast food it always feels like an absolute defeat.”

I think I originally read something similar to this off of some random person’s status. Thanks random person.

Smirk of the Day, Jun. 14

“Occasionally reminiscing with friends and family about your childhood is a lot like being drunk. In that everyone remembers everything you did, except you.”

I think I originally read something similar to this off of some random person’s status. Thanks random person.

Smirk of the Day, Jun. 12

“Did you know there is species of antelope capable of jumping higher than the average house. This is due to the antelope’s powerful hind-legs and the fact that the average house cannot jump.”

I think I originally read something similar to this off of some random person’s status. Thanks random person.