Smirk of the Day, Aug. 12

I don’t know about you, but every time I walk by a fan I have this intense nostalgic urge to start talking into it so I can hear my robot voice say, ‘Luke, I am your father.’ The last time I followed through on this urge a guy in isle behind me yelled, ‘Noooo!’ then gave me a thumbs up, turned around, and walked off to continue with his shopping at Target.

Smirk of the Day, Aug. 11

“Telling someone their fly is unzipped is rather awkward. First off you have to admit to someone that you were looking at their crotch, and secondly you looked at it long enough to notice something was not quite right.”

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.

Smirk of the Day, Aug. 8

“If I ever became a professor of anything math related, I’d make an exam in which all the answers are 42. That way I’d get to see my students freak out and at the same teach them that 42 really is the answer to everything.”

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.

Smirk of the Day, Aug. 6

“I think one of the main reasons Washington passed their marijuana and same sex laws was in hopes that people would stop referring to them as ‘the state where Twilight happened’.”

No idea who originally said/wrote this, just wanted to share a laugh or two.